Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes (PC)

Fallen Enchantress Legendary Heroes (PC)
Categories: Brand, Kalypso
Brand: Kalypso
2.95 GBP
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After a devastating Cataclysm has precipitated the World of Elemental into an era dominated by death, chaos and destruction, new civilizations have risen from the ashes. In Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes you will forge a new empire in a world sundered by powerful magic. Mighty champions and grand armies will fight under your flag against terrible creatures, complete quests, rediscover lost secrets and expand your kingdom in your bid to rule the world of Elemental. Champions seek you out based on the amount of Fame your kingdom has generated. Your sovereign and champions evolve through a visual skill tree. Additional special skills, combat mechanics, spells and various maps promise intense battles. Large Maps: Gigantic sized maps deliver truly epic games. A powerful graphics engine delivers stunning visuals while improving performance on older machines. Use the included modding tools to create new improvements, locations, quests or factions.