Playstation 4 Lego Incredibles - Ps4

Playstation 4 Lego Incredibles - Ps4
Categories: Video Games, PS4
Brand: Playstation 4
Color: One Colour
14.99 GBP
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Superhero crime caper LEGO The Incredibles is hilarious fun for all the family. Inspired by both the original 2004 Incredibles movie and the new Incredibles 2, this fun-packed PS4 game lets you take control of your favourite characters as you take down the bad guys! The game encourages players to work together by combining the super-powered Parr family’s abilities to conquer crime and family life in a LEGO® world full of fun and humour. Explore story levels and an epic hub world, including Municiberg and New Urbem, and use those super abilities to bring the city’s villains to justice. Gamers can assemble incredible LEGO® builds either on their own or team up with family and friends in two player co-op mode for twice the fun. LEGO The Incredibles for the PS4 - suitable from 7 years. Age Rating: 7 years + Gaming Age Rating: 7Yrs +