Resident Evil Village: Gold Edition for Xbox Series X Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil Village, the eighth major installment in the genre-defining Resident Evil franchise. Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline brings Ethan Winters to a remote snow-capped village filled with a diverse cast of terrifying enemies. After a devastating encounter with Resident Evil series hero Chris Redfield, Ethan pursues him in search of answers but finds himself in an entirely new nightmare. Resident Evil Village Gold Edition is a bundle of the original game and the highly anticipated Winters’ Expansion DLC, both of which launch on Oct. 28, 2022. The Winters’ Expansion includes a new way to enjoy the full campaign in ‘Third Person Mode,’ plus ‘The Mercenaries Additional Orders,’ a major update for the action-packed ‘The Mercenaries’ mode that introduces new playable characters, and finally a continuation of the story arrives in ‘Shadows of Rose,’ which picks up the plot 16 years after the conclusion of the main game.